Monday, July 13, 2009

Hello everyone!
So basically I love being here. Its been awesome so far. I work a lot in the store front so I am getting to know a lot of these people. I baked a cake for a man named Marty today. It was his birthday and he was so excited to have a cake. (: I wish you could have seen his face ! Every week a new MA team comes . Every Tuesday they put on a party in the store front and serve all the homeless people spaghetti and have music for them and everything. It's wonderful. We also have the "food pantry " for all the residence people in the TL. I love working these days! (: It makes my week amazing. I'm doing a lot of office work and doing "behind the scene " stuff for MA!
My friend from my DTS works on staff in Oregon and he's here for the week with his MA kids. It's nice to see him again.
Okay Hope y'all are having a wonderful day

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