Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Hello everyone,
So starting in October I will be running MA teams with Kaitlyn. It will just be her and I and it looks like it will be really busy. BUT I am so looking forward to starting MA up again. All of October-December is filled up already.(: The new DTS for fall 09 are here.... It's really strange to think that it's been a year already since MY DTS last fall.I'm so excited for all of them, because I know how great DTS was for me! Yay.

I'm growing some pumpkins, peas and carrotts outside my window ....they are starting to grow and Im sooooo excited. yay!!!!

Please keep me in your prayers and make sure you pray for baby ryder as well. He has a hole in his heart and will need surgery at 3 months. Also a boy on the DTS needs to get his green card in order to go on his outreach ...please keep him in your prayers along with me and ministry starting back up in October. Thank you.

Monday, September 7, 2009


Hey guys,
Oh wow.... time fly's when you are having fun! It's been amazing being here and making friendships with the people in the storefront. One day when I was in there I noticed that there was nothing on the walls that indicated we were a Christian organization...and that made me a little worried , so I went out and bought some canvasses and a couple people helped me paint them and wrote really pretty scriptures on them. They are now in the store front and even a Mexican man was looking up in his bible to translate the verses! (: How wonderful the Ellis room/storefront looks now!

Well for the month of September there is no MA groups coming. They begin again in October, and then it's just Kaitlyn and I leading these weekend groups. I'm a little nervous that I might get burned out but also excited to be leading teams again. God will do so much work in these students lives just being here. Now who wouldn't be excited for that?????

So the last week in August was really exciting for me, I got to go on the yearly staff camping trip/ retreat thing. It's just once a year where all the staff can get away from the city and focus on God and be together as group. We went camping (: SO FUN!!! Then the same week baby Rhyder was born ....so I got to go visit him that weekend.... YAY for babys!

It's been so wonderful and such a blessing to be here.
God bless. Love alwayzs, Carrianne