Monday, March 18, 2013


Lets start out with some pictures of our wonderful 2012-2013 FALL DTS OUTREACH!

**Starting from the bottom up- our time in LA and Thailand! 

( baking cookies,passing out tracks on the eve of the "end of the world",selling Christmas trees @ywam LA, washing vans,more Christmas, group shot in Thailand, Teaching English with juice boxes and Thai friends!!!) 

Anyway, you can tell by the pictures that we had a wonderful outreach overseas and even right here in good ol' California ! Los Angeles !We stayed in Hollywood working with Oasis of Hollywood for three weeks.
We were able to help work with after school programs like kidz clubs in the schools teaching bible stories as well as working with the youth in the area having a safe place for them to come and hang out on Friday nights. Its called club Zion and its a safe club for the youth of Hollywood to come and hangout , dance and listen to a message about God. IT was a wonderful time we were there because we helped package over 300 presents for the kids. We also were able to help at the Christmas tree farm raising money for YWAM LA. it was all so fun and we only had three weeks in the lovely city of LA until we traveled on CHRISTMAS DAY to Thailand! 

Thailand was amazing as always. We stayed at the YWAM base there and  worked with the different ministries We spent about 5 weeks in Thailand and another 3 weeks in Vietnam teaching English and putting together children shows where we were able to share God with the Vietnamese children! 
It feels so nice to be back ! I love chilly San Francisco and of course the comforts of my own bed and all!!! :)

I started work today. I have an office shift right now, answering phones and replying to emails and of course sending off my blog:)
I am excited to start working with the Ellis room ( our drop in center ) a few days a week as well as meeting about our upcoming DTS starting up next September! I guess good news is IM LEADING THE NEXT SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wow!!! Super exciting and really challenging as well :) BUT GOD is soooo good and i cant wait to get trained and learn more about how to disciple and actually lead a school. 

GOD BLESS!!!! -Carrianne