Saturday, August 23, 2008


Hello everyone,
Three more weeks till I leave. I am super excited about it but really nervous too. I started my packing list. I know that sounds funny to do three weeks ahead of time, but I have never been on this long of a trip before. I'm starting to realize and set aside all the things I wear the most so I pack ONLY what I need. The list is mostly done.... with a few things I add as I see something laying around that I might need. So far it's looking good. Packing light is going to be the hardest. Anyone has any tips for me? Well I'm doing really well on my support, still need some more though but I know that God will provide me with just the right amount that I need.
To Trust is the hardest because I'm always worrying about something or another. (:

Favorite song that helps me through so much :

.................From the inside out
" A thousand times I've failed still Your mercy remains
And should I stumble again I'm caught in Your grace
Everlasting Your glory beyond all fame
Your will above all else my purpose remains
The art of loving myself in bringing you praise
In my heart and my soul I give You control
Consume me from the inside out
Let justice and praise become my embrace to love you from the inside out
Everlasting Your light will shine when all els fades
Never ending your glory goes beyond all fame
And the cry of my heart is to bring you praise
From the inside out , Lord my soul cries out."

Favorite bible verse that helps me through so much:

Proverbs 3:5-6
" Trust in the Lord with all you're heart and lean not on you're own understandings, in all you do trust in Him and He shall make you're paths straight."

pray hard. -carrianne

Monday, August 18, 2008

first support letter i sent out (:

Hello Everyone,

As most of you already know I am leaving this September for my YWAM (Youth With A Mission ) trip. For those of you who don't know, let me explain what I will be doing! I leave September 15th for Francisco for four months. During this time I will attend DTS (discipleship training school). I will be trained to disciple people and tell others about God, to grow closer to Him and become a stronger child of God! After those four months of training and loving the people of San Francisco, I will then do my outreach portion of the trip. I will leave for two months and travel to South East Asia! I am so very excited about this trip and have been praying for years now, to see if this is what God wants from me! Guess what? IT IS!
I have been saving for over a year now with two jobs , and let me tell you ... I thought saving would be easy, but with bills and financial obligations it hasn't always been. I still need to raise more, so if you would like to help me reach my goal for my remaining portion of the trip costs by supporting me financially, that would be a big BLESSING! Please also keep me in your prayers, for this is my first lengthy missions trip and I'm kinda nervous about being away from my home, church , family and friends. Thank you!

If you would like to help support me you can make your check out to Morgan Hill Bible Church. It can be in the form of a one time gift or on a monthly basis, which will end at the time I come home. It is important that you make the checks out to Morgan Hill Bible Church and not to YWAM, and you can just put my name on a separate piece of paper and include that in the envelope.

If you want to contact me, you may email me or call me (408) 4271333.
Thank you so much and please keep me in your prayers!

Please check out my blog, too!

Here is the address of which you can send your checks to.
Morgan Hill Bible Church
15750 Vineyard Blvd. #110
Morgan Hill, CA. 95037

Thank you,
Carrianne Barr

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Hi Everyone!
As you all know, I will be attending the Urban DTS Program (Discipleship Training School) at YWAM- Youth With A Mission, in the Tenderloin District of San Francisco for 4 months, then will be off to somewhere in South East Asia for the following 2 months... and I'm very excited! I would like to use this blog as a way to communicate with all my friends and family, and to keep you updated on all that I'm doing, my prayer needs, support needs and so on! Please click the subscribe button in the upper right column so that you can be notified whenever I make a post, and then you won't miss out on any of the excitement! I would love it if you commented on my postings, especially to help keep me connected to you... this will be my first time away and I think I may get a little homesick, so write, write, write to your hearts delight! YWAM is an awesome program, so please take the time to check out their website and learn more about them and all they are doing to reach the lost for Jesus Christ. I am going to be living in the beautiful building on their homepage, cool huh?!
I love you guys and will be praying for you all, too. Love Carrianne