Saturday, August 23, 2008


Hello everyone,
Three more weeks till I leave. I am super excited about it but really nervous too. I started my packing list. I know that sounds funny to do three weeks ahead of time, but I have never been on this long of a trip before. I'm starting to realize and set aside all the things I wear the most so I pack ONLY what I need. The list is mostly done.... with a few things I add as I see something laying around that I might need. So far it's looking good. Packing light is going to be the hardest. Anyone has any tips for me? Well I'm doing really well on my support, still need some more though but I know that God will provide me with just the right amount that I need.
To Trust is the hardest because I'm always worrying about something or another. (:

Favorite song that helps me through so much :

.................From the inside out
" A thousand times I've failed still Your mercy remains
And should I stumble again I'm caught in Your grace
Everlasting Your glory beyond all fame
Your will above all else my purpose remains
The art of loving myself in bringing you praise
In my heart and my soul I give You control
Consume me from the inside out
Let justice and praise become my embrace to love you from the inside out
Everlasting Your light will shine when all els fades
Never ending your glory goes beyond all fame
And the cry of my heart is to bring you praise
From the inside out , Lord my soul cries out."

Favorite bible verse that helps me through so much:

Proverbs 3:5-6
" Trust in the Lord with all you're heart and lean not on you're own understandings, in all you do trust in Him and He shall make you're paths straight."

pray hard. -carrianne


Anonymous said...

hi carrianne! it sounds like you are doing great, and you must be so excited for this fun new adventure! :) fun blog, too, i made one for jon and i, and thought i would update people on our married life. :) well i'm glad to hear you're doing so well, and i love you. i'll be praying for your trip!

SHEP said...

Carrianne, we are praying for you and know God is going to do cool things as He prepares you to go... remember to enjoy the journey of getting to YWAM SF! --SHEP

Daisy Soap Girl said...

Hi Carrianne,
I'm an online friend of your Mom and I love your sprit and your blog. Keep up the good work and remember when you're worried read 2Timothy1:7 and trust in God to keep you safe.