Tuesday, October 5, 2010

FALL FALL FALL...i love october

I very much enjoyed my time off I spent in Morgan hill. Thank you , for those of you who were able to make it to my dessert party. When I was home on my vacation I was able to talk about what I have been doing the past year and what my ministries are, I hope you all have a better idea of what it looks like now. (:

When I returned home, here in San Francisco, I was greeted with 2 interns from Westmont and a new staff member that will be working with Mission Adventures. What a blessing that is to have them here and allot of pressure of me just working teams by myself.
This past weekend we had our first team , we only had 7 students but it was still a fun packed weekend. We spent our Saturday morning serving Breakfast at Glide , that was honestly my favorite thing that day because I got put as the greeter and hand people the trays of food. I felt like I was working at IN N OUT again. hehehe (: We also got to go down to Powell street and set up our prayer station, this activity was the hardest for the kids, but they were very bold in their faith and kept on asking tourists, shoppers, homelessness and giants fans if they would like prayer... very proud of them. We did sack lunches, street cleaning , prayer walks and hot chocolate ...we ended the day with eating at Chutneys, the best Indian restaurant in the TL!

Well I am super excited for fall, as soon as I got back from my trip we had a heat wave here in San Francisco, it was crazy...so I'm now ready for some October drizzle. (: Hope you all have a great fall. Enjoy!

Thanks everyone, Carrianne

Today is JOELLE'S Birthday... a little shout out to her...happy birthday girl! LOVE Ya

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