Tuesday, October 21, 2008

long week......of longness!

Hey ya'll,
I'm so sorry it's been a while since i last wrote. These couple of last week's have been going by so very fast! It's sad to think I only have 4 more months ): sad day! So last week we learned about Tabernacle and Justice/Intimacy and for this week we are learning about the city's and why God calls us to city's allot. It's strange to learn about but you learn interesting things that you would have never thought about before. This Saturday we are going on a freaking huge prayer walk! We are walking across SF, no joke it's a 12 mile walk.
That's going to hurt my leg's really bad ): ouch!
hahah! I have had a blast being here learning more about our awesome Lord!
This last weekend was our off weekend. I went home for less then 24 hours but still being in Morganhill I missed my home, here in SF! I miss and love you all!
I'm sorry about not writing more. Hopefully this next week wont be so long.
I am still in need of lot's of prayer and support! BTW: Thank you for those of you who have been supporting me! LOVE YOU ALL!

1 comment:

The Putano's said...

Carrianne, my sweet Carrianne!! It was so good to see you Saturday night and to hear your wonderful stories. You sound so happy and I just love that! You make me smile everytime I read your blog entries. :) see smile :) Thank you for showing me those pictures of Joelle and Alan on the bridge. So romantic... Anyway love, you stay save and keep on looking upward to Him who gives you strengh, courage, hope and much much more.

Love you lots,

Oh, and Rick, Vince & Jack