Friday, October 10, 2008

call and response. (:

Hello Guys,
It's me again! Another week of awesomeness! ( if that's even a word )
hahaha! This week we learned all about spiritual warfare. It has been super neat to learn all kinds of great stuff. Our speaker was Dean Sherman on tape, but he is coming tonight to talk about grace! It's going to be great stuff.

Our group does a lot of stuff here regarding human trafficking and we even have a program focused just on women who are trafficked here in SF, called 'Justice matters'! SF is one of the biggest city's of human trafficking. We went to the premiere of 'CALL AND RESPONSE'. It's a film about the world's 27 million most terrifying secrets! About real modern-day slavery. It's so sad to think and know that there are these things going on right here in America! Here's the website for that if you want to learn more about it . I also very much encourage you all to go see the movie. ALL the proceeds go to CALL AND RESPONSE which help get the girls, children and young boys out of slavery and sex trafficking. There's a movie theater in San Jose that plays this movie. It comes out this weekend! We also learned about Prop K . It seems like a good thing, like it protects sex slaves. But in terms it actually prevents police from investigating into cases of human trafficking. Vote no on PROP K... and that is all I have to say about that (:

I'm excited about Dean Sherman coming to speak to us. He is a great speaker, I adore his lectures! This weekend we have mostly off. I'm hoping to get in some much needed rest!

If you are interested in helping support me , write me an email at or send an email to MHBC! check the right sidebar for link (:
Thank you all!


The Putano's said...

Hi Carrianne!!! It's so good to hear that you are loving this mission trip and that you are soaking up all that you are learning. I miss you mucho in Cubbies, your laughter, oh boy, your laughter!! Your wonderful spirit and smile and of course your absolute wildness with those kids!!! You are much loved by us Putano's and thanks for the info on prop k. I will vote no. Take care and stay safe and keep on truckin....

Love you,

Anonymous said...

Hi Carrianne,
It's Rachel Anderson. I miss you and your wonderful personality, but I am so glad that you got to go and are having a great time. May God bless you and show you more of Himself. It is so cool that You are serving Him in this way. I'll pray for you.
Lots of Love

Unknown said...

Hi Carrianne!

Don't know how I got it but I found your biz card on my kitchen counter and decided to check it out. I didn't even know you were doing this!! Wow girl! I will be praying for you daily...what an inspiration you are to me, I could never do what you are doing but clearly you are doing what God has planned for you. I will continually pray for your safety and that God will lead you and be with you every step of the way.

God Bless---Krystin Sawyer (Claytie, Shane, and Delci's mom)