Thursday, January 20, 2011

January 20 2011

Hello dear friends!
I am SO excited for DTS to start! Can you believe all my 19 students come this Monday???!!
It's going to be such a good time, not just for the students to grow but for me as well! (: I cant wait! They will be here for 3 1/2 months during our lecture phase, where speakers from all over the world teach on different subjects.2 months over seas , where our focus for winter school is Turkey and Rome and then when we return one last month of outreach in our home sweet home of San Francisco! Yesterday we prayed over the 12 girls to see who of our 4 girl staff would take on in the small group times. We all prayed and re-prayed and finally picked our ' small group' girls. I have 4 lovely girls that I will have in my small groups which means every week ( besides class time and ministry time) I will have a special time set aside for each girl, we call this our ' one on one's' and hopefully I will be there for them whenever and grow along side them. But I am still looking forward in getting to know our other 15 students as well.

We went to Target and Chinatown to get welcome gifts for all the students! We bought San Francisco mugs filled with candy and a little cute something inside. Color crayons and two color books for each room and lets just say a tub of cheese balls was a wonderful add to the welcome gifts!!! (:

Well lately in the Ellis room (our drop in center) there has been allot less fighting, and Laura thinks that's because they know almost everyone that comes in! Which is wonderful because they are therefore respecting us here. The Ellis room is understaffed which makes it allot harder on them. sadly one of our staff, Adam is leaving for home to work off his debts he has from school. I know the Ellis room will detriment from that.

Our dear friend David who comes into the Ellis room recently committed his life to the Lord. He is in our awesome 360 program and I thought it would be awesome to have him just write a little about how its going and what he's been doing !!!!
LOVE ALWAYS, Carrianne

"Its been great and hard at the same time I've learned how to love people the way Jesus must have had to because its not easy sitting in a class with each other when your frustrated and angry with most of your class mates. But we are all helping each other when we are at our lowest or dealing with personal challenges by praying for one another" - David S.

1 comment:

Christine Barr said...

great post, Carrianne! and i loved reading Davids post too... Keep on praying and loving others, David! it's something we ALL deal with, trust me!

hugs to you both. mom