Saturday, August 13, 2011

DTS= look upwards, inwards and outwards.


Hello everyone.

Well our two weeks of  DTS training is over. I am excited for the next school to start. It's coming up pretty quick. We still have allot to do to prepare for their arrival but that usually doesn't happen until the week before they come! They should be getting here on September 12th. So far we have ten wonderful students. The last winter school was my first school ever that I helped staff. I know that God has grown me so much since then and showed me allot about myself. I am not worried about staffing this next school but really excited about what God's going to teach me next ! Please be praying for these ten students that God will prepare their hearts for what He's about to show them and what they are going to experience. I cant wait to walk along side of these students and grow while they grow. (:

Carrianne Barr

Matt 28:18-20

Did you know that 98% of San Francisco does NOT go to church…..and that’s on EASTER Sunday.

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