Monday, August 29, 2011

Can you believe that September is coming up? I am writing a quick update on my lunch break so it wont be that long just wanted to make sure everyone knew whats going on ! (:

Last week was our staff retreat. We had Monday off and spent Tuesday meeting with our ministry's praying and fellow shipping ( we also ate lunch at a Thai restaurant YUM!) Wednesday we went to Tilden park in Berkeley and swam in the lake, played catch and some card games. Some staff left with a couple bee stings but all together it was a fun day!During the week we also had a couple speakers come and talk to us.

All this week we will be preparing for the Fall DTS to come, they get here Sept 12th. (:
We have as for right now 9 students and hopefully 10 by the time the school starts!
I'm getting excited ..... yay!!!!!!
Okay hope you all have a wonderful week, im a little sick but hopefully ill feel better by tomorrow

Saturday, August 13, 2011

DTS= look upwards, inwards and outwards.


Hello everyone.

Well our two weeks of  DTS training is over. I am excited for the next school to start. It's coming up pretty quick. We still have allot to do to prepare for their arrival but that usually doesn't happen until the week before they come! They should be getting here on September 12th. So far we have ten wonderful students. The last winter school was my first school ever that I helped staff. I know that God has grown me so much since then and showed me allot about myself. I am not worried about staffing this next school but really excited about what God's going to teach me next ! Please be praying for these ten students that God will prepare their hearts for what He's about to show them and what they are going to experience. I cant wait to walk along side of these students and grow while they grow. (:

Carrianne Barr

Matt 28:18-20

Did you know that 98% of San Francisco does NOT go to church…..and that’s on EASTER Sunday.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

August 3 2011


Thank you all for committing longer with me in my ministry. It has been an amazing two years here in San Francisco serving the Lord and I love what God has in store for me. Working with DTS is very different from the youth in Mission Adventures and Traveling can be hard sometimes also, leaving your home that you have here to go away for two months. Don’t get me wrong going to places like Italy and Thailand is very wonderful but it is hard not having your own bed and living with 19 students. (: I love this life that Jesus has planned for me and I couldn’t be happier serving Him in a beautiful city.

Just a couple weeks ago Laura and I got invited to our friend’s birthday party. He was turning 35 years old and is a strong believer in the Lord. He loves going to his church in concord and telling others about Jesus. He also stops by the YWAM base to say hi to everyone because as he said in his testimony at his birthday party a couple weeks ago YWAM changed his life. He used to be a drug dealer outside of YWAM and he lived in San Francisco in a not so good lifestyle. He started coming into the Base and made friends with all the staff, there he gave his life to the Lord and stopped selling drugs and instead went to church and then school and now he’s a big shot at the place he works. He thanked Laura and I at his birthday party for loving the people that come into the YWAM base and showing God’s love. I felt like a movie star as he introduced us to all his family and church friends. It’s so easy to forget the lives that have changed because of our drop in center/ YWAM base. You sometimes get caught up in seeing the same old faces that come in everyday and the hopelessness in that but it was such a beautiful reminder that God does change lives and He did call YWAM to be in the Tenderloin and that He did call me to do missions in San Francisco.

It’s such a blessing to have friends that support me in something like this. I have enjoyed my time off in July to connect with some of you and see my family. Since the beginning of January I had been working the school and it ended 6 months later. This September I will be starting another school that will go until the end of February so July was pretty much my only time “off” to visit. But what’s time “off” when you’re serving the Lord (; I will update my blog every month (or try to) so please make sure you check it out. It might be my only communication to all you lovely supporters.

Thank you and much love and gratitude.

Carrianne Barr



Purpose and Outcomes of DTS approved by YWAM's GLT August 25, 2001

  1. To GATHER and CHALLENGE people to worship, listen to and obey God, releasing them (in the context of the DTS) to serve through evangelism, intercession, acts of compassion and other expressions of God's heart for the world, possibly even pioneering new ministries.
  2. To INSPIRE and CULTIVATE growth in one's relationship with God resulting in Christ like character, which is based on a solid Biblical foundation, the work of the Holy Spirit and the personal application of Biblical truth, especially concerning God's Character, the Cross and empowering Grace.
  3. To SHARPEN one's ability to relate to, learn from and work with people, including those of different cultures, personalities and perspectives.
  4. To further EQUIP each one to serve God's purposes either in or outside of YWAM Family of Ministries, strengthening a commitment to reach the lost, especially the unreached, to care for the poor, and to influence all areas of society.
  5. To IMPART the vision and foundational values of Youth With A Mission International as well as that of the host operating location and to provide information regarding a variety of opportunities for service.

The DTS aims to graduate students ...

  • with a growing understanding of the breadth and depth of God’s character and ways
  • who are becoming more like Jesus in the way they relate to God and people
    who increasingly cooperate with the empowering presence of the endwelling Holy Spirit
  • who listen to and obey God as the result of God’s enabling Grace
  • who search the Scripture in such a way that transforms beliefs, values and behaviors
  • with strengthened lifestyles of worship, intercession and spiritual warfare
  • with a greater ability to work with others, especially those different to themselves
  • who can share the Gospel with the lost and have a life long commitment to do so
    with a commitment to continue to be involved in some way with God’s work among the nations, including unreached people, the poor and needy and in spheres of society
  • who understand the calling and values of YWAM and are aware of a variety of opportunities available to them throughout YWAM
  • with a clearer understanding of God’s purposes for their life and a sense of their life direction
  • who either:
  • go on to serve God in either a context familiar or foreign to them
  • pursue further training (in or outside of YWAM) to equip them for further service.
Hello everyone!
This week I started work again, we are in DTS staff training. Yesterday Breanna and I had ministry evangelism together. As we were walking down on Market we pasted by a flower stand with beautiful sunflowers. We thought how wonderful would that be to bless someone with a sunflower. We bought one and walked down to the piers. We saw a lady sitting by herself on a bench and felt like God wanted me to talk with her... just so happened shes visiting from Milan , Italy and I just came from there!!! We talked a bit and took our blessing but because she was touring San Francisco all day didn't accept the flower. So we had to find another person to bless! we came across another lady who was from Canada and Breanna talked with her, just so happened Breanna just came from Canada! God works in so many ways. They both were so excited that god had told us to bless someone with a flower and with only ONE flower we were able to bless two people (:
God's so cool like that!