Thursday, June 25, 2009

So it is Thursday night! I have been here for 5 days and have really enjoyed it so far! I just moved into my FINAL room! I decorated it and made it look like MY room. I'm totally moved in and it has been a wonderful and crazy week! I did started work Monday and right now I'm just getting trained on the basic staff work and then in the next couple weeks I will be getting trained on MA staffing! I am already working on file work for MA so it's been really wonderful! (: I LOVE IT HERE!!!! It has been great getting to see some old friends in the store front and at the Food pantry! Okay I love and miss everyone!

Let me know how I can be praying for YOU ~Thanks!!!!
Love always,Carrianne

1 comment:

Whit said...

yay! I'm soo happy for you!! love you!