Sunday, October 5, 2008

Another week went by super fast (:

Can you believe it's been a whole week since I last updated ya'll? I'm very sorry about that!
It's been super busy here. Every week there's a new speaker that come's to speak on a different topic. This week was Debby Wiley and she spoke on ' hearing God's voice ' . It's been very awesome to find out God speaks to you in all different kinds of ways! I guess I never realized it before. It's been emotional also. My weekly ministry is evangelism, this week Jana W. was in charge of heading it up. So she spent the whole after noon ( Wednesday )baking cookies and then we went out and handed some of the homeless and other people on the streets cookies. Each bag had about 3 cookies and a bible verse card. We got to share what the verse meant and prayed with the people who wanted it. It was strange to see that some people wouldn't take the cookies knowing who we were. It was still a blessing getting to give out some thing with our prayers as well. This week went by so very fast. Each day we do something different after our daily classes. Each Friday night we go out with jugs of hot chocolate and cups and hand out cups of hot coco (with prayer attached of course (: !)
This Friday it was really exciting ! We went down a dark allay ( that I was a little afraid of ) and handed out some coco to the people hiding out doing drugs. We met this one lady who was smoking ,even though she didn't trust our coco we got pray with her and she said she was going to come visit our YWAM base. I hope She will get to talk to some of our staff some more about God!

On Saturday's and Sunday's ( for the most part ) are our day off. Saturday nights we always have a dance party! So fun! Today my family came to see me, they took me to the wharf and we ate at ' the rain forest cafe' so very yummie! It was great to get to see my family. Right now I am at the laundry mat doing a very big load.

Well I have a book report due tomorrow , so I better get started on that!
If you would like to still support me contact MHBC, the website is on the side here! >
Thank you guys and have a great week in the Lord!

Carrianne Barr

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