Thursday, October 30, 2008


Hello family,
This week has been intense. Our speaker this week is talking on 'plum line' which is going deep. Forgiving and asking forgiveness to God and those you hurt , for things that are burdening you down. It's really deep stuff. last Saturday was the prayer walk. It ended up being 19 miles long. I only got through 1/2 of it but I did all the hill's and climbing. First hill I was walking up i twisted my ankle and went down. It wasn't that painful ( but still hurt ) so I kept going. Then my hip popped out and would go back in. Going up the hill's were rough as it was but every step i took i cried out in pain, sobbing the whole way up twin peaks. It was horrible. I ended up returning back to the base and rested the rest of the 3 hr. left. Before i went back I got to take a really cool picture of this huge cross. ( there's a story behind that.) It was so awesome to see the whole view of San Francisco and that big ol' cross.

There's also a picture of Earl and I! He's one of my really good street friend's. I really adore him.

For our ministry we went to hippie hill again. We are starting to go every Wednesday now. This week was really awesome. As soon as we got there we met this man who showed us around and introduced us to everyone. I mean once you live there in that park and hangout all day smoking you become friends with everyone! So he knew allot of people and now we do too (:
I also met this one guy that Jana and I talked to for about a good hour. We just got to share about why we were there and also about PropK. He didn't know all the facts about that so he was about to vote yes but we got to actually share with him the truth about it ans now he's rethinking his vote. It's so awesome to see God work through others and what you do. It was a great ministry day. The picture of the painted heart in the peace sign was at hippie hill and thats where I took the picture PRETTY SWEET(:

There's also a picture of a homeless man with a scary mask on, I thought I'd pass on the love with that picture & The line of people waiting to get into Glide .

I'll write more another time. Hope everyone is doing great. Please keep praying for me and what God has for me after this DTS!
~Carrianne Barr

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

long week......of longness!

Hey ya'll,
I'm so sorry it's been a while since i last wrote. These couple of last week's have been going by so very fast! It's sad to think I only have 4 more months ): sad day! So last week we learned about Tabernacle and Justice/Intimacy and for this week we are learning about the city's and why God calls us to city's allot. It's strange to learn about but you learn interesting things that you would have never thought about before. This Saturday we are going on a freaking huge prayer walk! We are walking across SF, no joke it's a 12 mile walk.
That's going to hurt my leg's really bad ): ouch!
hahah! I have had a blast being here learning more about our awesome Lord!
This last weekend was our off weekend. I went home for less then 24 hours but still being in Morganhill I missed my home, here in SF! I miss and love you all!
I'm sorry about not writing more. Hopefully this next week wont be so long.
I am still in need of lot's of prayer and support! BTW: Thank you for those of you who have been supporting me! LOVE YOU ALL!

Friday, October 10, 2008

call and response. (:

Hello Guys,
It's me again! Another week of awesomeness! ( if that's even a word )
hahaha! This week we learned all about spiritual warfare. It has been super neat to learn all kinds of great stuff. Our speaker was Dean Sherman on tape, but he is coming tonight to talk about grace! It's going to be great stuff.

Our group does a lot of stuff here regarding human trafficking and we even have a program focused just on women who are trafficked here in SF, called 'Justice matters'! SF is one of the biggest city's of human trafficking. We went to the premiere of 'CALL AND RESPONSE'. It's a film about the world's 27 million most terrifying secrets! About real modern-day slavery. It's so sad to think and know that there are these things going on right here in America! Here's the website for that if you want to learn more about it . I also very much encourage you all to go see the movie. ALL the proceeds go to CALL AND RESPONSE which help get the girls, children and young boys out of slavery and sex trafficking. There's a movie theater in San Jose that plays this movie. It comes out this weekend! We also learned about Prop K . It seems like a good thing, like it protects sex slaves. But in terms it actually prevents police from investigating into cases of human trafficking. Vote no on PROP K... and that is all I have to say about that (:

I'm excited about Dean Sherman coming to speak to us. He is a great speaker, I adore his lectures! This weekend we have mostly off. I'm hoping to get in some much needed rest!

If you are interested in helping support me , write me an email at or send an email to MHBC! check the right sidebar for link (:
Thank you all!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Another week went by super fast (:

Can you believe it's been a whole week since I last updated ya'll? I'm very sorry about that!
It's been super busy here. Every week there's a new speaker that come's to speak on a different topic. This week was Debby Wiley and she spoke on ' hearing God's voice ' . It's been very awesome to find out God speaks to you in all different kinds of ways! I guess I never realized it before. It's been emotional also. My weekly ministry is evangelism, this week Jana W. was in charge of heading it up. So she spent the whole after noon ( Wednesday )baking cookies and then we went out and handed some of the homeless and other people on the streets cookies. Each bag had about 3 cookies and a bible verse card. We got to share what the verse meant and prayed with the people who wanted it. It was strange to see that some people wouldn't take the cookies knowing who we were. It was still a blessing getting to give out some thing with our prayers as well. This week went by so very fast. Each day we do something different after our daily classes. Each Friday night we go out with jugs of hot chocolate and cups and hand out cups of hot coco (with prayer attached of course (: !)
This Friday it was really exciting ! We went down a dark allay ( that I was a little afraid of ) and handed out some coco to the people hiding out doing drugs. We met this one lady who was smoking ,even though she didn't trust our coco we got pray with her and she said she was going to come visit our YWAM base. I hope She will get to talk to some of our staff some more about God!

On Saturday's and Sunday's ( for the most part ) are our day off. Saturday nights we always have a dance party! So fun! Today my family came to see me, they took me to the wharf and we ate at ' the rain forest cafe' so very yummie! It was great to get to see my family. Right now I am at the laundry mat doing a very big load.

Well I have a book report due tomorrow , so I better get started on that!
If you would like to still support me contact MHBC, the website is on the side here! >
Thank you guys and have a great week in the Lord!

Carrianne Barr