Hello family,
This week has been intense. Our speaker this week is talking on 'plum line' which is going deep. Forgiving and asking forgiveness to God and those you hurt , for things that are burdening you down. It's really deep stuff. last Saturday was the prayer walk. It ended up being 19 miles long. I only got through 1/2 of it but I did all the hill's and climbing. First hill I was walking up i twisted my ankle and went down. It wasn't that painful ( but still hurt ) so I kept going. Then my hip popped out and would go back in. Going up the hill's were rough as it was but every step i took i cried out in pain, sobbing the whole way up twin peaks. It was horrible. I ended up returning back to the base and rested the rest of the 3 hr. left. Before i went back I got to take a really cool picture of this huge cross. ( there's a story behind that.) It was so awesome to see the whole view of San Francisco and that big ol' cross.
There's also a picture of Earl and I! He's one of my really good street friend's. I really adore him.
For our ministry we went to hippie hill again. We are starting to go every Wednesday now. This week was really awesome. As soon as we got there we met this man who showed us around and introduced us to everyone. I mean once you live there in that park and hangout all day smoking you become friends with everyone! So he knew allot of people and now we do too (:
I also met this one guy that Jana and I talked to for about a good hour. We just got to share about why we were there and also about PropK. He didn't know all the facts about that so he was about to vote yes but we got to actually share with him the truth about it ans now he's rethinking his vote. It's so awesome to see God work through others and what you do. It was a great ministry day. The picture of the painted heart in the peace sign was at hippie hill and thats where I took the picture PRETTY SWEET(:
There's also a picture of a homeless man with a scary mask on, I thought I'd pass on the love with that picture & The line of people waiting to get into Glide .
I'll write more another time. Hope everyone is doing great. Please keep praying for me and what God has for me after this DTS!
~Carrianne Barr