I miss and love you all!
It has been awesome so far! I share a room with 5 other girls, this has been interesting getting ready in the morning with only one mirror(:
God has been great at making me very comfortable with everything so far! We get up each morning at 7am for breakfast and then we have choires , class and mission work.
So Today we just finished class early so i have free time till lunch. We usually have class in the mornings after breakfast and choirs. My choir is to clean up the class room which means take out empty cups and vacume the floor and just straighten up. Different lectures every day this week. We first started off explaining everything thats going to be going on and going through the gidelines. We each said our testimony's which took about 3 DAYS total for staff and dtsERS to talk.I realized listening to everyones backgrounds and how they came to know the Lord and how they got here, I am very blessed by how I was raised and stuck with God. Right now its been so great and I am starting to love everyone here! Theres a couple homeless men that we made friends with, infact the 2nt day here we jumped right into reaching out to others and went into 5 small groups to go out and ask people certain questions! It was awesome hearing different answers and talking to these street people one on one!
Everyone of these students here with me are so different. Some are from Kentucky, Ohio, Florida, Canada, Switzerland, Washington and even a couple from good ol' California! It's so awesome because even though they are all so different they still have one thing in common with everyone, A passion for God and to show His love to others!
All of this is super hard to explain and I hope you understood how amazing it is!
1 comment:
Hi Carrianne!! I'm so very proud of you!! I miss you so much in Cubbies. You were such a great leader and so dang fun to be with. I'm excited to see what God has planned for you. You have such a neat personality and a wonderful spirit. Those they come in contact with you through this mission will be very blessed indeed, and they don't even know that yet!! Isn't that awesome? Love you much, take care.
Ginny P.
:) Your so cute....... :)
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