Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Outreach to : Bangalore , India and Bangkok , Thailand !

We have decided with much prayer that our locations will be set to India and Thailand this year. Which is pretty crazy because this is the first year in about 10 years that will not be going to Vietnam for our outreach. I'm sad about that but excited to see what God has in store for us in a new Country. It will be our first time as YWAM San Francisco to take our DTS on outreach to India which our base directors lived in  India for 25 years doing YWAM there so it's about time we took a team to visit this beautiful place!
Our school is going to be small traveling- me being the outreach leader I'm looking forward to the small headcount ! We will be all ladies traveling first to Thailand , staying three weeks in our Urban city location of Bangkok. We will be staying with the YWM base in Bangkok, Thailand working with already established ministries. Then we will travel to Bangalore, India for five weeks. We will also be staying with the YWAM base there and working in the villages helping with the medical trucks and teaching English. I almost forgot!!! We will be staying two weeks in San Francisco doing stateside ministries. I'm stoked about being gin the city during part of December. It's always so festive and I love the city around this time of year but am usually over seas. We will be able to partner with a couple ministries around the city along with going into the different neighborhood's of the city and doing evangelism there- my favorite is going to height with some chalk and a Frisbee to invite the hippies to hangout with us, hopefully we can build some good relationships!!!

I'm doing pretty well , I've just been very busy leading this school and planning our outreach. I'm still living in the tenderloin , in my cute little studio. I have been rooming with another YWAMer , Marta- she has been subleasing for my roommate Lindsay while she's away doing a bible school in Madison. Lindsay returns in December and Marta is able to stay and sublease for me while I'll be gone on outreach, which is a huge blessing for me!!!! I would have still had to pay rent while away and it's so nice of God to have worked this out perfect!!! I cant believe its almost Thanksgiving, seriously time has flown by so fast but at the same time I feel so busy and I've been working non stop, I feel like my heads barely above water, there's always something we need to get done and never a time to rest. It's okay because I know I can find my rest in the Lord- He's always perfect ! I have also had some health problems. besides the awesome fact of loosing 85 pounds I have also gained some not so good health issues. I have gallstones which I try to control not having any episodes by not eating greasy or fried foods but sometimes I still get throbbing pain in my stomach from them. I also just found out I have a heart problem. I blacked out the other day- and I've been getting dizzy and my vision getting fuzzy. I went to the Doctors and they had to do a EKG test which they found out today that I have a little heart problem - ill have to be put on a heart monitor for two weeks so they can see if I need medication. Please keep me in your prayers- I'm a little nervous about traveling with all my health problems going on. I feel like I'm still suppose to lead the outreach but all the prayers are much appreciated :-) Thank you!!!
Also: We got our visas back for everyone but our Vietnamese and Norwegian students , they usually take longer to process but please pray they accept their visas into India!!!

Love, Carrianne Barr


Sunday, November 10, 2013

Hello friends,
I wanted to wish everyone a happy November! The Christmas tree and ice skate rink is up in union square and that means The holiday season is upon us, so I'm told! ;)

Our DTS is going great so far. I am co-leading the school with my friend Josh. We have 9 ladies which makes it an all girls school. Something that we've never experienced before in YWAM San Francisco! It's been amazing so far , we are on our 8th week.
We have also decided that we will be going to India and Thailand for our outreach! Which our base's leaders have lived in India for 25 years and we have never been as a base before. Something else that's new for this school!!! SO EXCITED!! I'm glad we are going to be spending a couple weeks in San Francisco for outreach as well, I love the Christmas spirit in San Francisco and I am happy to be able to spend some time in San Francisco during December!! Hopefully someone will take me to see the Nutcracker ballet!!! :))))

 I would appreciate prayers for our school during the next couple weeks in preparation for outreach. Our visas for India have been such a pain so far  and really hard to prepare for but our application appointment is on Wednesday! Please pray we all get accepted- We have a Vietnamese and Norwegian student with us applying for  Visas as well. :) Thanks-
Also Things with my gallstones have been mostly under control because I've been trying not to eat fatty foods- but I'm a little worried about going to India with this condition , prayers are much needed!!! :)
Thank you for loving me through Gods journey He's letting me  go through. :)
God Bless.