These last few months being home in San Francisco have been so nice! I have enjoyed working in the Ellis Room ( our drop in center) and serving at my church here in San Francisco, IKON. I help out at IKON on Tuesday mornings with kinda odd jobs (: I pick up the mail, deposit the offerings, add people who attend the church in our data base and i sent out the quarterly thank you cards to our supporters. It has been really exciting to be able to serve while I'm not bogged down with DTS stuff. Yay!
I only have one more month in the Ellis room before I leave for Montana! For those of you who didn't know, I leave June 23rd for DTS Equip. This is a secondary school for people who want to learn better in leading schools ( which I hope to help lead the next fall school in the outreach phase ). I will be in Montana at the YWAM base until August 3rd. I'm very excited but also nervous about the 2 day "road trip" on grey hound to get there! haha!!!
Once I get back to San Francisco I will be back working with DTS, preparing for the Fall school. Which I'm happy about staffing another school but I've really enjoyed making new friendships in the Ellis room and building these relationships to just leave again. BUT God is good and things will work out just perfect!!!
Lindsay (top right in picture) will be my new room mate, she actually moves in this weekend.... so excited about having a roommate again because I've been kinda lonely without one for a whole month!!!! (:
The picture is from this weekend. What a memorial day weekend miracle!!!some of the YWAM sf girls , drove to Mt. Madonna took a little hike, picked berry's at Gizdich ranch and ate some yummy pie and drove through Santa Cruz, ending the day with a lovely dinner hosted by the best mom and dad ever!!! MY great parents!!! (: It was super fun and nice to get out of the city too!
Much love.