I have some fun and exciting news!!! Well after allot of prayer and consideration I have decided to commit another two years to serving the Lord here in San Francisco. This time it will be a little different because I am changing ministry's and will be working with the DTS ( disciple ship training school program) I will be starting a little before my two years would be up ( June) and will be leading the coming up January Winter school! This is such a blessing, I have been praying and felt like God has been saying two was for sure to work with the DTS and the other was to stay another two years, well since I got accepted to jump aboard with the DTS crew I had to commit to at least two schools... that meant God answered both of my questions in one and how excited am I to be able to walk along side the the students and grow with them in this next season! We already have 15 students which is such a blessing in it's self because usually the winter school only has about 5 students signed up.
Thanksgiving is coming up and I am thrilled to spend the day here in the Tenderloin with all my friends and family. It will be my third Thanksgiving here and every year all the staff, DTS students and interns get to invite two guests that don't have a home of their own to spend Thanksgiving with us! Last year we had around 90 people to share this special day with, we are assuming there will be a little more joining this year because our numbers have increased since then. What a blessing (:
Please be praying for me that I will be a good listener and able to grow in my walk with God and be able to learn new things with the DTS. Also that support will grow and not weaken for my next two years.
There's another need that is kinda embarrassing to ask for but my little acer laptop has seen it's better days and I am hoping that God will provide me with an upgrade....yes I am turning to the dark side and want a mac , please pray that God will provide me with one ..maybe for Christmas? (: Love you all
Carrianne Barr