There's been so much happening that it seems like ages since I last wrote...
Last Sunday we had a wonderful bake sale at Daloris park to raise money for our staff camping trip which is at the end of this month. We baked all night Saturday, making all kinds of goodies..such as Walnut chocolate dipped cookies, peanut butter cookies, Carmel apples, snicker brownies , lemon bars and much more. It was such a beautiful day out and a successful bake sale at that. Made around $200 for our camping trip(: Yay.....
Next week is our last week of teams for the season which sadly means my lovely Summer of service staff will be leaving soon. We are having a goodbye dinner on Saturday night to thank them for such a wonderful summer of service(: I will miss them. On Friday night at the Sugar cafe here in San Francisco we are having a fundraiser and silent auction to raise money for our Ellis room and our new ministry 360. The Ellis room , as many of you know is our drop in center ( at our ywam building ) that's open to the public Monday-Friday. 360 is another ministry connected to the Ellis room that we are just starting up. It's meant to be a discipleship program for some of the regulars that have been coming into our base for years and we have built relationships with. Please be praying that this auction will go well and that we can get the funds needed to provide a wonderful ministries for our friends. Also if you want to come and join in on the fun, 20% of all drinks and food will be given to our ministries at YWAM SF. How exciting is that?!!!
See you all soon. God bless!
Carrianne Barr
357 Ellis st.
San Francisco, Ca 94102